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1. Ở Việt Nam, làm sao tôi có thể đặt hàng một báo cáo Genomate?

Nếu bạn sống tại Việt Nam, báo cáo Genomate sẽ được Digosys cung cấp như một phần của dịch vụ GenousTM. Và khác với nhiều thị trường khác, báo cáo Genomate sẽ được hội đồng khối u phân tử (MTB) xem xét để đưa ra những khuyến nghi như một sự chắt lọc thêm lần nữa dành cho bệnh nhân. Đó cũng là lý do mà tại Việt Nam, nó được gọi là báo cáo GenousTM.



Image by Warren Umoh


In Vietnam, how can I order a Genomate report?

If you live in Vietnam, the Genomate report will be provided by Digosys as part of the Genous™ service. And unlike many other markets, the Genomate report will be reviewed by the Molecular Tumor Board (MTB) to provide recommendations as an additional screening for the patient. That is also the reason why in Vietnam, it is called the Genous™ report.


How do you keep patient data secure?

Genomate meets global patient data security standards, including GDPR, HIPAA, CLIA, and ISO.


I have a third-party lab's next-generation sequencing (NGS) report, can you use it to generate a Genomate report?

In principle, we absolutely can. However, it would be better if the NGS results were performed on a gene panel that includes a large number of cancer genes, and as in the Genous™ service provided to the Vietnamese market, the number of cancer genes is up to 511. Currently in Vietnam, only a very few laboratories conduct NGS according to international standards, but the number of genes on the gene panel is quite small, with only a few dozen to more than 100 genes, leading to not achieving maximum performance in analysis.


Can Genomate's system integrate with other systems in the healthcare industry?

Our system is currently a standalone entity, as a true CDSS (clinical decision support system) operates. This will change in the near future, when it will include HL7 protocols and APIs to be able to order a report, and receive the results through another system that the hospital is using. However, it is important to note that in Vietnam, this process is not available, as the Genous™ service is provided by Genomate's partner, Digosys.


What is the main purpose of using Genous™?

The Genous™ service provides Genous™ reports to oncologists to assist them in making decisions about optimal, timely, and personalized treatment plans for patients using targeted or immunotherapy. Therefore, it can be said that both physicians and patients using the Genous™ service aim to improve long-term treatment outcomes, while not wasting financial resources on ineffective regimens (without guidance from the Genous™ report).


Is the Genous™ report a prerequisite for the physician to make the final decision in choosing a treatment regimen for the patient?

Absolutely not! Doctors will refer to the Genous™ report for treatment guidance, but they have the full discretion to choose whether or not to follow Genous™'s suggestions. This is not the only source of information, and they need to look at other information such as CT/MRI/PET scan results, biochemical indicators, and clinical signs of the patient before making a final decision on treatment options for the patient to comply with.


What data sources does Genomate's drug prescribing system use?

The system references approved drug databases from the FDA, WHO, ESMO, ASCO, and EMA; however, the majority of data fed into Genomate's system is scientific publications, drug approval (trial) roadmaps, and other research data to create a standardized scoring system. The system's drug data is updated every 6 months.


How are points calculated for drugs/treatment regimens?

An approved and marketed drug is scored based on the amount of evidence available for its effectiveness against specific variants (on cancer genes), and in combination with other variants and other drugs, through patient studies, case reports (typical cases). Drugs in clinical trials are also included in the Genomate report, as long as they have accumulated a large amount of publicly available evidence of benefit.


What affects the calculated score (high – medium – low) in the system?

Input data that will influence the calculated score include: tumor type (primary site and tissue type); molecular profiling by NGS (mutations, amplifications, fusions, TMB, MSI…); immunohistochemistry.


Genomate's system is considered to have artificial intelligence (AI) elements. What exactly is it?

The system developed by Genomate can evaluate thousands of rules at once, which is fundamentally more than the human brain can do for each decision it makes. However, the system does not invent anything that has not been tested before. In general, this is an open-box AI solution, where knowledge is represented as rules, and reasoning algorithms are applied to solve problems. Each output at each step in the system is explainable and repeatable.


If there is bad data in the system (a publication with scientific/academic errors), how do you detect it, and does removal of this data occur?

Our system is able to handle conflicting data on the same issue, so if the information in a research article is wrong, it does not affect the final results of the report. In addition, the underlying data in the system is controlled, validated for clinical reliability by experts before it becomes part of the system's database, so we can ensure that the scores reported are always clinically beneficial.


Does the system leverage the power of ChatGPT? And can I use ChatGPT to generate a report similar to Genomate's?

No, the system that Genomate owns does not use ChatGPT, or any other major language. Also, please note that ChatGPT or other open source AI tools do not use hand-curated data (i.e. lack of trust in the database creation) to make decisions, and sometimes their data creation is reactive (not authentic)!


How can I trust the results presented in the report?

You can trust our reports for the following reasons: (i) first, the reports are built on the correct logic of the dialectics of the complex relationship structure of Cancer Gene - Target - Treatment Drug; (ii) second, each report is the result of synthesizing thousands of articles, documents on published research and trials related to the listed drugs; (iii) third, the system has been evaluated for clinical effectiveness (such as improving tumor response rate, increasing progression-free survival time...) in Genomate's publications in the world's leading scientific journals, as well as prestigious conference publications in the field of oncology.

Do you have any other questions for Genous™?

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